The Massif of Śnieżnik and the vicinity of Międzygórze are a perfect area for biking tours. Numerous routes of diversified degree of difficulty have been set out here – easy ones perfect for leisure and recreation, as well as more demanding ones for advanced cyclists. Moreover, thanks to a dense network of unsurfaced hard roads and pathways everyone can devise their own trail. Undisturbed silence, fantastic landscapes, and active leisure time are bound to regenerate everyone’s strength. Even the very summit of Śnieżnik rising to 1425 m above sea level may be accessed by gentle bike routes, other routes allow to reach still further peaks, or simply visit the nearby country side with its sights and historical monuments. We do recommend using a bicycle to discover the area.
Międzygórze hosts a MTB XC standard biking competition known as the Śnieżnik Challenge. Thanks to the dedication of organisers, sponsors, and partners, the first edition held in July 2017 attracted many contestants and fans. The Massif of Śnieżnik and the area around it offer perfect conditions for both amateur cyclists and fans of extreme varieties of cycling, and everyone with penchant for challenge may test their skills during the next edition of the Śnieżnik Challenge in Międzygórze.
We recommend the most detailed maps of the Massif of Śnieżnik published by the Compass publishing house.
Międzygórze can boast of one of the most modern stations of the GOPR Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue in Poland. The new building,with a design inspired by its mountainous surroundings, is well-inscribedwithin the landscape while its immediate vicinity has been adapted and equipped to the needs of rescue operations. The staff of the all-year-round GOPR station in Międzygórze have also been provided with professional equipment: quads, snowmobiles, a Land Rover Defender, and – obviously - appropriate medical supplies in order to guarantee maximum safety to tourists. Inour mountains hikers may feel safe since they are in good care of professionally trained rescuers. The investment was partly subsidised by the EU in the frames of the Dolnoslaskie Regional Operational Programme.
We wish our visitors only safe and well-advised mountain treks, should anything unexpected happen, however, our GOPR Rescue and Search Service Station at ul. Śnieżna 23c may be contacted 24/7 all year round.
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